Organically Grown Software ™

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Intelligent Design Software Building Blocks The Growth Process

Software Building Blocks

Bit Garden takes code reuse seriously

In pursuit of the mass customization of software, Bit Garden has realized that standard, well tested parts can make the job of building quallity software much more efficient.

Our Code Library

We continuously extend and refine our code library to include new models and new graphical controls. All code in our code library gets tested and retested both with unit tests and in real systems. We carefully manage our code library as one of our most valuable assets.

Open Standards

Bit Garden makes use of open standards from many companies and organizations. The use of standards reduces the amount of design that is needed to achieve common goals and facilitates interoperation with other software vendors. We are a strong supporter of open standards and use them whenever appropriate.

Open Source Software

Though Bit Garden has not open sourced its code library or its custom built applications, it appreciates and supports the goals of open source software. Bit Garden may recommend use of certain open source software packages to its customers, and makes use of a significant amount of open source software internally.

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