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When To Build Gentoo Linux Request A Quote

When To Build

When you don't need Microsoft software, ask Bit Garden.

Specialty Servers

Bit Garden can provide excellent special purpose servers for email, web site hosting, file serving, database, and applications. We select high quality components throughout and avoid pricey operating systems and programs in favor of highly stable open source software solutions. Of course, we use our own custom built systems for all of our internal business needs, and can offer support and administration for the servers we build. Please contact us and tell us about your needs if you would like a quote.

Desktop Computers

Bit Garden offers competetive prices for Linux based PCs. If a customer needs low cost computers with basic office productivity applications and low maintenance costs, we can provide solid price to value and low total cost of ownership.

Why not build Windows PCs?

There are a few reasons for this. The first is that we do not feel that we can provide competetive products for the price in the Microsoft Windows based PC market. Our customers can find a significant selection of Windows based offerings at many price points from major manufacturers. These manufacturers often include bundled software and get signifigant discounts on that software. Secondly, Bit Garden is a software and services company. We provide quality hardware as a service to our customers and to complete our solution offerings. We do not make much money on our custom built hardware. The Third reason is that Bit Garden is expected to support the computers that we build, and we don't find it as cost effective to support Microsoft Windows based computers. Bit Garden can provide better service, stability, and total cost of ownership with Linux based computers.

Linux is a trademark of Linus Torvalds, Gentoo is a trademark of Gentoo Foundation, Windows is a tradmark of Microsoft.

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